Tuesday, November 3, 2009

promenade, pomade

Some may walk with jugs on top of their head others swagger. There are those who look down at their pendulum swinging feet, and those whose heads swivel from side to side trying to take everything in from both the left side and right side of their world. Strides vary in size and speed and general skeletal alignment, and quite possibly due to personality traits also. It would be so very redundant of me and not really interesting in the least to go into how our walks are just another venue for our special little selves to show their colors. It would sound too much like our late and great philosopher Forrest Gump, “you can tell a lot about people byyy what kind of shoes theeeere wearin”. The analytical itch I would like to scratch today is just the things that everyone does to keep themselves busy while they march on and on. The most obvious and popular alternative to a bleary and mundane march is graciously available to us by the great gods of Apple Inc. and Sony, which are ipods and other MP3 players. With those quite trendy and quite pathetic (as far as sound quality is concerned for me) little ear plugs you see n’importe quel person jamming to latest #5 single on the daily rotated itunes top 10. Personally I do not like making my strides with headphones on. It may come as a surprise to some that this is the truth for me since I fashion myself quite the music fiend. But it’s simple when you have headphones on you put up “walls”, I don’t need or like many walls especially while out amongst fellow crowds. I don’t like these isolating walls to such a point that my chief source of promenading entertainment is breaking the other side of these walls of surrounding walkers. It is not that I don’t think that other people are entitled to their privacy and self-imposed isolation, I have no opinion on if it’s a bad choice for them or not. I am just someone who is in need of entertainment and my needs supersede your walls in the book of figga. I love to look every passing soul right in the eyes. I need to make a good second or two of undeniable eye contact, even more than that, eye conversation. This is so true with the efforts I place in conversing with females in the few moments before she passes into non-existence again. I am not content with a quick “oh she saw me looking at her, look away” glance. I will keep looking at her till she looks up and then there will be smiles or an attempt to make the stare even sharper, more focused. Nothing huge or anything but then possibly a smile from a stranger is huge or someone not scared to look you in the eye can change the day, I don’t know but I can wax hopeful can’t I? With the guys I’ll just say that I tend to be a tad more hostile in my “wall intrusions”. By hostile I mean I try to make them feel a bit awkward to be in my presence. A time proven method is to sing a bit above “under your breath”, the absence of headphones will perplex them while your stare will make them think you are serenading them. I don’t know what I would even really honestly do if someone guy was staring me down from 20 feet away singing “lovin, touchin, squeezing”. You just can’t prepare yourself for that and that’s why I am glad I am the one singing and not receiving. To delve into this further would bring into question the way people hold their hands and arms in midst of stepping to point B. Or where they look and how do they really walk. I would like to touch on this but I have got places to walk and really and truly honestly, I would lose interest in writing more on this if I kept going. So continue the march my friends, do what you need to get there and don’t forget that you can have fun getting there

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