Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cute and Creepy

Pretty girly

Pretty girly from far away

Pretty girly so much between us

No less than fifty feet of cold air and one window pane

Talking on the phone can’t hear your voice I’ll go insane

Pretty girly I bet you are really nice

Pretty girly could be single

Pretty girly

Pretty girly with long hair

Pretty girly could laugh at my jokes

We could watch seasons of your favorite show together at night

From our first date then honey moon to wake we wouldn’t fight

Pretty girly my steps close the space

Pretty girly our eyes met

Pretty girly

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


You head out to the date, you pick her up and she is looking very very fine, and obviously she knows this is an important date not that she needed to wear one specific clothing article but she meant to look sexy and she is succeeding. Things are going well, when you want to drive a joke home you stare her down with a big laughing smile while you put your right hand noticeably on her hip. She playfully hits you when you said something edgy. You guys are walking out to your car (which you have cleaned out for the date) but you lead walk with her to her passenger side. Through some positioning you are now holding her close around the hips; she knows what you are going to do. You know what you want to do, so like a seasoned pro, you do it. The Mac’in starts, you move onto the reclined passenger seat. But as you begin to nuzzle her neck you see something just outside public view, something only a man in your current position could see, a hickey. Now most men would recoil in disgust and horror but you are a Mac Pro, you don’t back down to no hickey.
You move over to her other side just a bit below the collar bone, you open your mouth a bit wider than normal and get sucking. You are going to make a bigger hickey than who ever left the last one. Once you’re done she gives you a sultry look saying I enjoyed that and you drop her off gentleman like at her door and go home. Three days later you find yourself with her on her couch watching some movie, you being the big spoon can see most parts of this sweet thang. Then in a message as clear as the color contrast between her silky smooth skin and the blue of a bruise, a hickey sits just inside her hip bone. Its huge!!! You don’t waste much time flipping this girl around and start what definitely was going to happen once the credits rolled. You give her a flower hickey, five hickeys grouped together to make one freaking huge one. Next time you see her, she’s got a hickey line around her left thigh. You retaliate with a tic-tac-toe game hickey on her right shoulder blade. Saturday night shows that your suck happy opponent can shade to make a 3D illusion orb with varying intensity hickey’s. This girl goes to church the next day with a van-gogh perspective hickey on her left ribs underneath her dress. She is no longer a girl but a chess piece between two grand masters.
You are giving the girl so many hickey’s, sucking her face and toes and everything between that your lips start chapping big time, and then they peel and start to bleed. You are in the computer lab one day when you look at the guy across the table. He looks up and stares and exactly what you zero in on, his chapped, peeling, bleeding lips…